Monday, July 20, 2009

It's been a while...

The summer, and all the accompanying parties, picnics, weekends away, races, family, friends, parades, and camp-outs, is in full swing. We've been having a great, albeit crazy, summer and the lack of posting here is one of the side effects. So, a few pics to get everyone their "Riley" fix. She's as cute as ever, smarter than any child I've ever met, and stubborn as all-get-out (and no, I can't imagine WHERE she gets that.)
Love my bug!

Riley is madly in love her with her Aunt Becky.

Wearing my practice swim cap and goggles. She always picks these goggles to wear because they are "piiiiinnnk".

She loves to model my "pretties" (earrings). She likes these a lot because they bob against her face when she shakes her head.

A fun day at Hogle Zoo.

Riley loves to wear one of my biking jerseys as a dress. I let her because, well, I adore this girl!

Just a few pics to keep you all satisfied! She's a wonderful girl with the sweetest, feistiest personality I can possibly imagine. She's not quite two, but well into the "terrible two's" anyway, and i wouldn't want her any other way!

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