Sunday, May 25, 2008

Question: How does one do laundry with a 9 month old ?

Answer: Complete the following steps:
1. Remove contents of laundry basket.
2. Place said nine month old into laundry basket.
3. Place favorite toys and car keys into laundry basket with nine month old child.
4. Quickly fold clean clothing and remove child from laundry basket.
5. Carry child with you to place folded clean clothing into appropriate receptacles (necessary step since child's mobility has resulted in her pulling increasingly scary stunts.)
6. Replace child and repeat as necessary until laundry is finished.

Please note that a bottle can be provided to child, assuming silky blanket and glow-worm are also present. Position child with back on bottom of basket and legs hanging over sides to administer nutritional formulation.

Seriously, Riley thought this was the most fun she could ever have. And yes, I am aware that Riley looked like an dirty orphan child in these pictures. She and her clothes were both bathed shortly after these pics were taken.

But what a great way to get laundry done!

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