Dear Riley-bug:
Today you are nine-months old. It boggles my mind to think that you have now been with me for the same amount of time that I carried you inside of me. My pregnancy seemed so long, but the time has flown by since you arrived. I think that you have always been a part of me, so having you here feels like things are just right. Everything is in the right place. All is exactly how it should be, so time flows very naturally when we are together.
I can't believe how much you have grown and what a big girl you are. At nine months, you don't yet crawl, but I think it's because you don't see the need, not because you physically can't. In spite of the lack of crawling, you seem to be able to get what you need. You scoot around on your bum, you drag yourself around in a weird soldier crawl, and you roll around to get where you want to go. You aren't afraid of anything, either. I have yet to see you be intimidated around something I thought might scare you, like the big dog who lives down the street or the strong pull of the ocean waves. Instead, you just hold on tight to me, and stare down whatever is in your way. That's the best way to meet challenges, little one. Hold on tight to the ones you love, and meet whatever is in your way head-on. A good lesson to learn early, baby girl.
You are kind of a picky eater at this stage of the game. You eat pretty well at times, and at others you don't want anything but your bottle. Since you are clearly not starving (as indicated by the rolls on your arms and legs) I'm not too worried about it. Today I let you have your first popsicle. You LOVED it! You can see from the picture below, you really went to town on it. I found it everywhere when I gave you your bath, even in your ears and between your toes. Oh well, I want you to live each day to the fullest and truly enjoy life, even if it gets messy sometimes. Popsicles are a good way to start.
At nine months, you are so loving and affectionate. You have started to sling your little arm around my neck when I hold you on my hip. It is so cute and casual, like we are just buddies hanging out. Which, of course, we are. You are so cuddly first thing in the morning. I am always so excited to get you up in the morning, because we usually spend the first fifteen minutes or so snuggling in the rocking chair in your room. You have started arranging your silky on my shoulder- just so- before you put your head down on it. This just melts my heart. I try to take time while we are snuggling to read to you. You like reading. I hope I can pass on my love of books and words and stories to you. You have your favorite books already..."Where is baby's belly button" and "Pajama Time" seem to top your list. You help turn the pages and laugh when we find the baby's belly button "underneath her shirt".
When we are out, you grin and smile and wave at people. I have seen you smile at someone in the store like you know them, and 9 times out of 10, they will come over and tell me how cute you are and much we look alike. To me, you are the most adorable child I have ever seen, so I am happyt to agree with their good taste. It's fun to have such a smiley, happy, silly, goofball baby to share with the world. And I love that we look so much alike. It's another fun thing we have in common (along with our shared birthday) and I think it's a little reminder from God that you were absolutely, positively, 100% supposed to come to me. That you were always supposed to be my child and that we have something special to provide to the world that we couldn't be or do alone. I'm not sure what that is yet, but I think we'll figure it out together.
Riley, so many people love and adore you. Besides me, you have so many family members and friends who just cherish you and would do anything for you. In nine months, you have wormed your way deep into the hearts of so many people and I couldn't be more thankful for this. It's a tough world, Ba-ba, and you need lots of people to stand behind you. You have an army of really amazing, wonderful, and kind people who are keeping an eye out for you. What a lucky girl you are!
It's so much fun to be your mom, Riley, and I hope you know how much I love you. I feel like we have a really solid bond, a very special connection, and I know we always will be very close. I am so grateful to have you in my life and to have the chance to raise you and see you grow into the person you choose to become. Sometimes I feel so inadequate for the job, and I wonder how a person so imperfect as I am could be expected to raise such a special kid. But I know that we are supposed to be a family and that we have a lot to do together and a lot to learn from each other. We are truly on a "good journey" (know where that comes from?) and I am so blessed to have you as my daughter.
Happy Nine Month Birthday!
Love you, Bug.
1 comment:
That was beautiful! What a lucky little girl. Nat
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