Monday, October 29, 2007

Self Care

The other day, i started listening to how many times people (myself included) tell each other to "take care". I'd like to think that we mean it. We want those people we tell it to to actually take care of themselves "Take care, Dad, so I can see you again this weekend". "Take care, cashier at Smith's, so you can let me into the express lane, even though I have more than 10 items". "Take care, pediatrician, so you can take care of other little ones". Take care.

How often, though, do we actually take good care of ourselves? I know that for me, I tend to take care of everyone else around me before I actually take care of myself. This isn't exactly healthy, but it's how I am. I am trying to make a change in this little habit, however, and am declaring this next year (or so) Amy's Self Care year. I realize that I have a little baby to take care of, and of course, her needs absolutely come first, but after that, I'm taking care of me. Focusing on doing the things I need to do to stay healthy: physically, mentally and emotionally. There is a part of me that thinks that this is a little bit of a selfish goal, but I've managed to shut that voice up. It's been years since anybody put me first, including myself. I think it's time.

So, in honor of this "self care year" I've been thinking about some of the things I need to do to take good care of myself and some things I want to do to take even better care of myself. These things include the basics like exercising, eating well, getting enough sleep (does this ever happen with an infant?), practicing good preventative care, finding time for myself, etc. I'm also adding things to this list that are technically not necessary for good health, but are things I consider fundamental for me to feel good about myself. These include such things as pedicures, massages, and yoga. I just feel better and more authentically me when these things happen. And finally, I've been thinking about planning a vacation for sometime next spring. I want to go somewhere I've never been to before and I'm planning on going by myself. I love to travel by myself, but I usually travel alone for professional purposes. It will be really nice to plan a vacation and do exactly what I want when I want, and I'm sure by next spring, I will need it. I'm thinking Hawaii or maybe Mexico. Somewhere I can lie on the beach and just relax. Or perhaps New York, where I can check out Museums and Broadway shows and do my own thing. I don't know what I'll decide on, but it's exciting to think about. But in the meantime, i better go to bed. Sleep is part of the self care plan that I'm really falling short in.


Brynne said...

If you go to New may just have to bring me along! I can be quiet so it's like you are traveling alone!! But, you would be awesome to go to New York with! In fact, we should do a girls day out to new york. hmmm...

Amy said...

I'm up for a girl's trip to New York. This can be in addition to my other vacation. Who else is far it's me and Brynne.

beck said...

um, hello! I'm so in. You don't even need to ask. just name the day, my frister, name the day.

beck said...

also, "whatchoo gonna do when i hit the block??" things like random humor should be on this self-care list. super important i think.